Valby Croquis - Feb 13, 2025 - Kirstine

This was the first session I attended where the model held a single pose for the entire evening, 20 minutes at a time with 10 minute breaks between, over 3 hours for a total of 2 hours of her posing and me sketching. I decided that this would be a good chance to try working with colored paper and pencils (just white and blue, aside from my normal black).

I used the first several periods just attempting to sketch the figure. I realized after the first period that I had drawn her a bit smaller than I would have liked, but I decided to stick with it.

I only started to add highlights with the white pencil after the third period, then added some blue in the forth. I used the last two periods to add more of the surroundings and add details and strengthen the lines.

It was particularly fun to see how all the other attendees were working and to talk with the model in the breaks.