My pictures of places I’ve visited
I find taking pictures puts me in a special frame of mind. I forces me to be present, aware of my environment.
As a child, I had no desire to travel. I spent a lot of time reading books. I believed books could give me all the experiences I needed.
Photography brought me out in the world. While my camera may have provided a shield at times, it also offered a way to connect.
Click on any of the pictures below to see a collection of pictures I’ve taken while visiting that location. If you want to see more details, check out my Trips section. For some locations, I’ve shown where I travelled in a country, which pictures I took on each day and titles I gave the pictures, plus any journal entries or blog posts I made, videos I took, and so on. For the most part, to be sure, most of what I wrote is not all that exciting, so if you’d just like to see pictures, this is the better section.
Actually, I have also visited the following countries, but I don’t have pictures to prove it.
Germany 1965, 66, 99, 2000, 01, 20, 23
Finland 2000, 01, 02
Hong Kong 2001
Australia 2005
Estonia 2016
Austria 2020