My pictures of strangers
(organized by country)
Taking pictures of strangers can feel as intimidating as working with professional models. It’s a skill and an art form of its own.
I decided that I needed to learn when I arranged a trip to Cuba, because one of the most interesting subjects in Cuba is the people.
At first, I attended public events, like Carnival, where taking pictures of people is expected and accepted. I expanded with street photography, sometimes gaining consent before shooting, other times asking forgiveness after, other times just shooting without being seen.
The real lessons came in Cuba, though, where people are wonderfully willing subjects.
Click on any of the pictures below to see a collection of pictures I’ve taken of people while visiting that location. If you want to see more details, check out my Trips section. For some locations, I’ve shown where I travelled in a country, which pictures I took on each day and titles I gave the pictures, plus any journal entries or blog posts I made, videos I took, and so on. For the most part, to be sure, most of what I wrote is not all that exciting, so if you’d just like to see pictures, this is the better section.