My 2017 Trip to Iceland
8 Days with Lee Frost group
After visiting Cuba and Morocco with Lee Frost’s Photo Adventures 4 years earlier, I was confident that he was the right way to visit Iceland in the winter.
I was quite right to be concerned this time. We saw multiple rental vehicles stranded off the road due to icy, stormy conditions. It was not a good place for me to take a solo trip in the winter.
We had a small group and I had a good time, though also struggled a bit, as I often do, feeling comfortable in a group, despite everyone on this group being easy to get along with.
Our route
Day 1 - Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Flight from Copenhagen to Iceland 09:39
I'm on my way to Iceland, sitting in seat 1D. I like living in this golden age of travel. I wonder how long it will last.
I'm feeling healthy, happy. I managed to finish my Duolingo for today sitting in my seat on the plane. I'm going to have to go 10 days without playing piano, so I'm listening to Berceuse as I write. Suzanne Ciani plays slower than I have been trying to, which is good.
I will have about 5 hours in the airport waiting for Lee to arrive. I expect to spend them in the Cafe, which I hope is comfortable and I can find a seat that I feel is reasonably private, so that I can work on model pictures as I wait.
I've started reading a book about singles being discriminated against. This seems to be addressing some topics that I've felt I needed help on, so I'm glad to have found it. I can see that my thoughts about being single have reflected the cultural bias associated with being a couple. This does not have to be a conspiracy to have influenced me. Just as racism can come from an almost genetically based mistrust of people from outside our tribe, and therefore a "natural" behavior, just like learning to speak the language of our tribe. Although in both cases, we can learn un-natural, much more effective approaches to life.
[NOTE: Switched to Icelandic time, so this later entry has an earlier timestamp!]
I started thinking about what sort of photographic goals I should have for this trip. I'm often not so keen on traveling with a bunch of other photographers.
I struggle when I'm together with a group of photographers, regardless of the subject. I can't help but feel strongly influenced by their presence. I also feel self conscious when I'm alone and I start shooting (I remember this in New Zealand), but at least when I'm alone I feel some amount of solace from the fact that, if I'm willing to spend enough time, I can get beyond my fears.
And it is about fear, isn't it? Fear that I will only see the "easy" shots. Fear that I will fail to compose well. Fear that I will take pictures that either look exactly like the others, just not quite as good, or that I will fail to find my own view of a scene.
In the end, I will seldom see my images in comparison to the images that others take, and, perhaps even more important to me, those who see my images will not the images of the others on the trip.
My fears seem related to the critical voices that still echo from my childhood. It is me, however, who has internalized these voices, so I can claim that they are mine.
I also fear that I will accept "good enough" and fail to go far enough to really make great pictures.
I want to remember to see at many different levels. I should use my macro lens, even if I can only put it on my 70D. I know that many photographers suggest that you really need a full frame camera for good landscape images. With my 1D, I don't really have an excuse. In reality, though, I don't see much of a difference between the 70D and the 1D when I look at the resulting images.
So, macro images.
Also, HDR images. Filtered images (polarizer and ND). Long exposure.
I'm afraid that I will not compose the images well. I suppose this goes back to my university days, but just as I can recognize a pianist who plays better than I, without being able to recreate what they do with my own fingers, I can also see photographers who compose a 2 dimensional view of a scene and I can feel that my own attempts fall short.
I should remember my 3x viewer and using the screen as I compose.
I fear the rain. My 1D should be weather sealed. My 70D less so. Keeping rain off the lens may be difficult.
I fear the cold.
I fear rushing from image to image, failing to take my time.
I fear poor focus and motion blur.
I fear and I fear.
And yet, this is a choice I make to face those fears. I choose this trip "for fun". Because isn't facing our fears and finding that they do not need to constrain us the very definition of fun?
Perhaps not.
The weather may not cooperate with us. There may be crowds and clouds and gray landscapes. Let these things come.
If I leave Iceland without a single image, would that be so bad?
I'm starting to think that perhaps I should visit the Faroe Islands. They are beginning to become more popular. Why not see them before they become cliché?
Perhaps this summer. I can start researching them while sitting in the airport in Iceland.
Triple Peak
Rainy Iceland
Sinister View
Old Man on the Window
Cool blue
The Frozen Claw of God
3D sculpture
Watch your feet
Cool day at the beach
Slush lights
Day 2 - Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Cold waters
The blind sculptress
Washed up on the shore
Almost impossible to find a meeting room
Blue ice cave
Meet me at the mouth
Parked outside of the ice cave
Light at the end
Black Ruby
Snowy Iceland
Frozen Iceland
Day 3 - Thursday, February 23, 2017
Abstract ice
Snow on the rooftop
WWW (While We Wait)
Take Flight
Foam maker
Water imitating Rocks
Little chapel on the hill
Weather the Storm
Sun Stretch
Lining up
Last Shot of the Day
Teeth of the Sea
Pastel Sky
Green Night
Nature's Abstract Art
Shooting the Northern Lights
Elusive Subject
Horseshoe in the Sky
Day 4 - Friday, February 24, 2017
Vik 14:12
Ug. Feeling kind of unhappy with myself today.
It started with looking through Josie's pictures, which didn't make me feel badly, but I suppose started the process. She had a surprisingly diverse and impressive collection covering lots of genre and with technically excellent images.
The group decided to try to drive, despite the bad weather, but we were turned back.
I brought my iPad to lunch, but Josie had already looked at my images online, because I had told her about
So, I didn't get a chance to see her reaction.
So now I'm feeling like my work is not any good. Just depression or depressive thoughts. Perhaps I should just take a nap.
Day 5 - Saturday, February 25, 2017
Bearing down
Angry Sea
A glimpse above the sunrise
Weathering the shot
Morning Birds
A walk in majesty
Solitary Journey
Against the wind
Breaking the wave
Out on a... peninsula?
Room view
Views change quickly... Iceland
The snowflakes cometh
Bright Face
Blue ice (small scale)
We are all waterfall paparazzi in Iceland
Don't believe this picture
Lots of people in Iceland
Lightly frosted
Snake your way up the hill
California Dreaming
Three's a crowd
Equine Affection
Fear of missing out
Faux pas
Don't look now, but you've GOT to see the tourist over there!
Equine Dignity
Tiny scene
Waterfall flowing upwards
Day 6 - Sunday, February 26, 2017
Bar Graph - Visitors to Iceland in the last 5 years
Missing Calvin
Lollypop Tree
The required Iceland shot
Poor Farmland
Safety first
Braided Ice
Staying between the lines
Going down
Icicle Path
Mushroom Water
The calm before
Shadow Tracks
Seeing the forest for the twigs
Soft Branches
Twig bowl
Reclining Panda, Hidden Bear
Reflecting pool
Tiny harbour
A stream runs through it
Little Church by the (half) Frozen Stream
Meringue Coast
Cold church
Little Gorge
The Sunset Crowd
Thin Ice
Reflecting Pools
Day 7 - Monday, February 27, 2017
The Winter Scene
White Water
Not a sound, not a wave
Hidden Home
Snowy Pines
Inspiration across the pond
Suspended Snow
Reads in the Morning
Sunlit posts
Three Lights
Someone left the streetlight on...
Cookie Elf Barracks at Oreo Mountain
Little house by the mountain
Smoke Signals
Drive by shooting
Keeping the mountains and the clouds in their place
Moving right along
Pencil Strokes
Little town
Total lack of standardization
Small Boundaries
Backyard Hill
Best backyard for sledding EVER
Tossed onto a field
Soft and smooth hiding hard and sharp
Straight and Curved
Pointy Rock Outcropping Ahead
Black Snow
Shimmering Greens
The Lone Photographer
Northern lit road
Day 8 - Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Earth Pimple
Cold morning shower
Just another typical Iceland
Burning off
Optical illusion
R is for River
Rapid Dog
Two Dimensional
The Bells Toll
Windows in an out
Stained Black
Into the blue
Trivial Pursuit
The Road to Redemption
Even the birds need warm clothing here
Bird Bath
Fixer up'er
Strong sunlight
Off White
Not that White House
Sudden drop
Ponies! Always making faces...
The Black Church
Help me find the way
This is life
Church and Waterfall
Note to Icelandic tourist council: Please turn the lights out when the aurora forecast is good. Thanks!
The Well Lit Lighthouse
Day 9 - Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Keflavik 20:08
As it happened (if you read my last entry), I did take a nap, and that helped.
I still struggled, as I often do, but as it turned out, both Keith and Josie also mentioned that they were dreading the trip in some ways. Keith saying that he struggled to keep up, because we all run off, and that was a bit stressful. I am probably one of the worst offenders on that count, I was usually the first out of the van and far away be the time I suspect that the last got out of the van. Josie did this some herself, although she may have been doing so because I did.
But, in the end, we were all best pals and I'm considering both the African and Bhutan trips (next year). I may not have enough vacation for both, though.
The "singled out" book has been helping me understand that my feelings about being single do reflect the cultural bias (in the US at least) that there is something to be pitied about singles.
Cool mom on the way home from Iceland