My 2006 Trip to Corsica
12 Days with Christine
I don’t have very good records of most of the travel I did before my divorce, but I was able to piece together the details of a trip I took with my wife to Corsica, and that was the first trip we took where I had a digital camera along, so I have a few pictures with timestamps that I can trust.
Even so, I have very few pictures, as I wasn’t really into photography then, so this is more a typical vacation that most people experience. I decided to include it here, however, for the memories.
Our route
Day 3 - Nonza
Day 6 - During drive to Porto
View from Porto Hotel Balcony
Day 7 - Hike to Girolata
Day 8 - Hike to Capo Rosso
Day 8 - Hike to Capo Rosso
Day 10 - Hike to Capo D'Orto
Day 10 - Hike to Capo D'Orto
Day 12 - Solenzara