The day after my last post, I came down with a small vacation flu.
Sore throat, cough, slight fever, cold sweats, body aches, difficulty sleeping, low energy… that sort of thing.
Never fun, and particularly not when traveling through a cold, rainy, windy country.
I made do as best I could. After my first mostly sleepless night, I drove on to a new site that was close by and set up my bed immediately upon arriving and took a nap, then spent most of the day in the car.
I struggled to sleep for 3 nights, and those days I coughed a lot and basically took it as easy as I could, still driving each day, but not doing much else. Anna, my original traveling companion on the Faroe Islands, suggested that I buy a lemon, ginger, and honey to make my own lemon tea.
[slice the lemon, cut into wedges, cut the ends off, peel the ginger, cut it into small chunks, add hot water and a spoon of honey… then add more hot water and honey to the remaining tea each time I’ve drunk most of it… lasts for days]
This was a great idea and I’ve been drinking it ever since, though for the last couple days just because I’m kind of getting fond of it.
Today was the first day with sun and no rain the entire day. I actually was able to sit outside and read for a bit, before the wind kicked up again and it got cold.
I won’t bother giving daily reports, since the days are just a blur, but here is a sampling of pictures.
Muddy Mai, Muddy Roads, Cloudy Cliffs
All but one of the above was taken from the driver’s seat
Out and about… finally walking away from the car to take pictures from a small trail