Out of the Faroe Islands

After writing my post yesterday, I went for a walk in the town I was staying in and took a few pictures of the church, shown on the right below. This morning, as I was getting ready to leave, I saw some people heading into the water on the beach in view from my campsite. Given that the air temperature was 10C/50F maximum, I felt I needed a picture to prove that this does happen (and some of you have asked).

Morning bathers and the local church

My ferry didn’t leave until 6pm and I did not have anything left that I wanted to do, so after a nice lunch in a local cafe (shown to the left below), I drove to the ferry terminal, which supposedly opened at 1pm. This wasn’t actually 100% accurate, but I eventually got in. The email I had received saying final check-in would be at 3:30pm seemed to suggest that 1pm was not all that early. You can see on the right below, that I was once again first in line for the electric vehicles.

As it turned out, I had nearly 5 hours to wait before driving on board.

My lunch cafe and first in line

I had reservations in the restaurant at 6pm but get to my cabin until nearly 6:30. I wondered if the boat was perhaps on Icelandic time (1 hour behind). I went up to check and was glad, because I was already late for my reservation.

A little while after dinner, I decided to go for a walk before bed. I hadn’t really cared about attempting to take pictures of the islands as we sailed away, thinking it might not be very interesting. Turns out I was wrong about that!

I had left my big camera in the car, so I took a few snaps with my iPhone.

Quick snaps of the Faroe Islands in the evening light

First day on Iceland

I think Iceland and Greenland should switch country names.

I read somewhere that naming Greenland was a bit of a publicity move by the Viking that wanted to convince his fellows that it would be a wonderful place to live. I believe none of them survived.

Anyway, Iceland was “discovered” first, and certainly, the name seems appropriate in the winter, but during the summer, at least where I am, it’s very green. Which is not surprising given how much it was raining when I arrived.

I left the ferry to heavy rain, then drove up into the clouds. The fog was so thick that I could barely see the car in front of me. I couldn’t see anything other than the road, which made me wonder what kind of drop there was on either side of me. Eventually, though, the fog cleared and I was treated to a very large rainbow.

Rainy welcome, big rainbow, snaps from the road and the town of my campsite

I arrived at my campsite quite early, which suited me because I did not get much sleep on the ferry. I’ve had another lazy day spent mostly in the “living room” of my mini-RV.

Tomorrow I expect to see puffins nearby, then drive another couple of hundred km north.

I’m hoping for drier weather.




My last full day…