Judgement day…

OK, so I’ve spent enough time now to think that it was OK to leave already on Wednesday.

I got a good night’s sleep, took my time getting moving in the morning, had a pleasant hike through the local forest.

My Thursday morning hike (I made a video but it’s pretty boring)

Later, I got a yummy lunch in a cafe and found my next campsite. I even attempted, unsuccessfully, to take pictures of lightning in the approaching thunderstorms.

All this was worth experiencing, so I feel justified in having you send me a pre-text back to Monday, June 24th, to tell me to go ahead and leave early. I’d do it myself, but I think that would cause a paradox. It’s better that you do it.

I gave up on getting any pictures of lightning as the wind and rain were getting uncomfortable in the tower I was taking pictures from (you can just make it out in the second picture below).

Is a tower a good place to be in an electrical storm?

I made it back to the car just before the rain really started coming down in earnest, so I stayed dry, and had a nice view of the sunset through rain splashed windows. Eventually the rain stopped and I was able to take a picture of my spot and another of the sunset. The rainbow picture was taken from the back seat with the window down.

My Thursday evening camp site

This morning I took another short hike and moved on, had another nice lunch, and I’m sitting at a picnic table beside tonight’s camp site.

A couple of pictures from my morning hike and my current workspace

Tomorrow it’s time for my ferry trip to the Faroe Islands.


The Journey Begins…


Decision made…