I’ll be honest, I barely remember Judy. We met in the computer room at Northeastern at the end of my Freshman year.
She was also into photography and liked taking nudes. Not as a model, as a photographer, and with male models. This seemed incredibly sophisticated to me (this was years before my Abstract Nudes project).
I remember her telling me about the first time she took nudes of a male model.
"He came into the room wearing a robe,” she told me. “Then he took off the robe and he had no other clothes on.”
“‘Well,’ I thought,” she continued, “‘he’s got nice balls.’ Then we just started taking pictures.”
I doubted very much that I would be able to be so calm if she were to pose nude for me! I was happy when she agreed to go out taking pictures with me one summer day, and I got to take pictures of her in a bathing suit, at least.