The Calvin Project
The worst part about learning to draw, when I couldn’t really draw at all yet, was the fact that I found all the exercises so BORING!
After about a month, it occurred to me that I could use an old book of Calvin and Hobbes cartoons as my exercises.
I did my first attempt at drawing a few Calvin characters and I was hooked. After that, I drew Calvin exclusively for nearly the next 2 years. Probably not what any art instructor would have recommended, but I loved it!
You can read more in my Books section.
The Printed Book
Timelapse - Drawing a full page
Nerdy Graphs
Part of who I am loves visualizing data as well as other things. Mid-way through the Calvin project, I started keeping track of how much time I was spending on drawing, and then continually added more information into what I thought of as my Calvin Dashboard. In the end, I added 7 pages of various nerdy graphs like the ones below.