
Ivana was among the first professional models I worked with after attending the Dynamic Nude workshop.

I wanted to take her to Sweden at attempt to use my infrared camera. As we arranged the shoot, I timidly mentioned that I had a guest room and she could stay with me the night before so that we could get an early start. She immediately wrote back that this was a great idea, and asked if she could stay two nights. I had never hosted models at this point, so I was happy that she felt comfortable staying with a stranger.

When she returned to Denmark the next year, she wrote and admitted that it was a bit “cheeky”, but she wondered if she could stay with me again. This was my introduction to hosting models. After a while, I became well known as a potential host for models visiting Denmark, which was a position I enjoyed.

When Ivana had the idea to start her own events to bring together models and photographers, which she called Photo Holidays, I was quite pleased to support the idea.

Ivana and I always had a great time together, both when taking pictures and having long conversations.

August 2015

April 2016

September 2016

April 2017

June 2017