My 2013 Trip to Morocco

11 Days with Lee Frost group

After enjoying Cuba with Lee Frost earlier in 2013, I was quick to sign up for his tour of Morocco later that same year.

Morocco appeared to me to be both beautiful, like Cuba, and intimidating for solo travel, like Cuba. I was right on both counts.

The people in the two countries, however, struck me as completely different.

Cubans were friendly, loved having their picture taken, would come up to talk to you on the streets, always starting with “Hello, my friend!” and only after establishing some shared interest, start asking for money or gifts, but in a relaxed no-pressure way.

Moroccans were aggressive, only approached when they wanted to sell something, would only accept having their picture taken for money and never consider the money they received “enough”, and were often abrasive. Lee cautioned us that taking pictures of a stranger on the street could be dangerous, so we let him arrange things when we took pictures of snake charmers, welders, or others.

Visually, though, Morocco was just as impressive as Cuba. I did do some street photography, but with much more care, either on a balcony, through our minibus window, or unseen from a distance with a long lens.

Our route

Day 1 - Monday, November 11, 2013

Marrakech 06:16

Arrived in Marrakech last night at about 6:30. Couldn't find the guy with my name on a sign to begin with, but he was there.  Lots of traffic on the way to the hotel. My driver liked to lean on the horn. People were returning from a day of picnicking in the mountains, he told me.

Met with the group at 7:30pm after checking in to the hotel.  The hotel is nice.  Has a bath tub!  Hope I get a chance to use it.

The group:

Lee - our fearless leader (British, 46)
Carolyn - our guide and organizer (British, married to a Moroccan)
Andrew  - Speaks with a pronounced lisp, rotund, balding, British, probably 40s or 50s
Martin - Retired, soft-spoken, Australian probably 60s or 70s
Dick - Retired, slow speaker, American living in Norway for the last 35 years, probably 60s or 70s
Keith - probably retired, British, probably 60s

We will have breakfast in about an hour starting at 7:15-7:30.

My legs are heavy and my feet are tired.  Just from standing in lines in Amsterdam yesterday.  I only brought my sneakers.  Hope that I do not regret that.  Didn't have room for anything else. 

Day 2 - Monday, November 12, 2013

Marrakech 06:39

My first day in Morocco went fairly well. OK, the first things I want to write about are frustrations!

I'm frustrated that I end up taking so many pictures that will end up in the bin.

Let's look at the bad pictures first.

I don't mind experimenting. I think what really bothers me is when I see that pictures are blurry, because I haven't been aware of the shutter speed. I think I should try to be more aware of that. I could try to make it more automatic. I could also gimp more.

I can also see that many of my pictures are not composed very well. Others, the problem is that the subject is just not interesting.

Case in point, trying to take pictures of flames. I got some, but they were not very interesting, because the flames themselves should not actually be the subject. In Lee's good flame shot, the cook is the subject. The same with the pictures of the people welding, etc. Lee does a good job at interacting with people. I felt intimidated.

OK, I can change these things.

Day 3 - Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 4 - Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 5 - Friday, November 15, 2013

Aït Benhaddau 08:55

Got five minutes before leaving Ait Baddahou (or something like that). Got a sore throat the other day. Been sleeping as much as possible to recover. Almost there. Still taking lots of pictures and played model yesterday, which was fun.  

The group continues to be fairly good to be with, with one exception which I've recognized immediately.  

Time to go.

Day 6 - Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 6 - Saturday, November 18, 2013

Aït Benhaddau 18:53

Ug. Sore throat is now stuffy nose, heavy eyes, limited lung capacity. Used my nose spray when I arrived at the hotel just outside the dunes of the Sahara. Hope that it helps.  

So far, my sense is that I have taken much better pictures in Cuba than here in Morocco. The trip itself is OK, but not as good as Cuba either.  

I'm starting to get a cough. Sucks. Won't be nice in the dunes. I need to repack my things. 

Day 7 - Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 8 - Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 9 - Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 10 - Wednesday, November 20, 2013