Thais from Brazil

Thais told me she decided, as she turned 30, that she wanted to spend the next 10 years of her life traveling the world. Many have made such a plan, few have made it a reality.  She's well on her way and I feel privileged to be part of her journey.

I took her to a park in Denmark where a herd of deer run wild. She was fascinated. As we walked and talked, she often asked, “Do you think we’ll see deer? Do think we will?”

Suddenly, we saw one. We both stopped cold, enchanted. Then a big hard crossed the path and we felt nervous! They left us alone, though, and I managed to take a couple pictures of her in an old dead tree trunk.

I also took her to Glyptotek, which is a nice museum in Copenhagen. I include pictures of that initial deer and the museum since I took few pictures of Thais.

She gave me a small magnet to as a host gift. It reminds us that the journey is more important than the destination.

July 2017